I once came to a conclusion that cdnz was the dumbest person in wYb, but i have recently moved onto a new and well known true member of wYb, skcram has told me possibly the stupidest thing i have ever heard,
he thinks tyson8er in NR is forza-wog-boy,
well, considering forza had mw2 snapping on film and tyson8er has mw2, theres one problem solved, moving onto the next...
tyson8er = 30x better then forza and actually MvP's every game almost,
Moving on once again,
tyson8er is in the top 4k in the world for cod4 and why the fuck would he give his acc away,
just putting it out there, that this is the possibliest funny thing skcram has ever said, skcram get on cod4 and talk to tyson8er so he can laugh at you